Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Things.... and Bujjigadu

Things have changed a lot since I last logged in to write my previous post. Managed to get into Amazon.com's development center in Hyderabad. I've relocated to Hyderabad and staying with Pavan now. Life is going rather pleasantly at Amazon. Not much work to do though because of my team mate Anil, who takes care of anything and everything. I'm more than happy to just pass time at work :).

These days I'm obsessed with looking fit. Each time I go to a gult movie, my obsession goes to the next level because of the beautiful, super hot heroines in it. And coming to telugu movies, I've been watching loads of them in hyderabad. I've enjoying them a lot because I get to spend good time with Pavan. His ultra hectic job guarantees that he is available only during the weekends and I don't want to miss out on quality time spent with him. I've been really wanting to start writing reviews about every movie I watch just to kill some time and bore you guys :D

Last sunday, I had been to another gult movie "Bujjigadu - Made in Chennai". Pavan got the tickets in black and we both had missed the first thirty minutes of the movie. Thanked each other that we did miss that part. It would have made the whole movie seem even sillier.

It starts with the hero (Bujji -Prabhas) returning home (Vizag) from Chennai, after having ran away from his house when was just a child, for his childhood love Chitti (Trisha). Twelve years of separation deepens his love for the heroine, who is similarly looking for Bujji. On his way back, Bujji ends up in a jail where he meets two brothers who engage him to kill Shivanna, who is a Realtor and the head of a clan of mafia in hyderabad. Bujji gets to know that Chitti is in hyd too and makes it to hyderabad. He attempts to attack to Shivanna but fails in his attempt. Shivanna gets impressed with his courage and brings him back to his house and treats him till he is well. Since, its a gult movie, as usual Chitti is Shivanna's sister. And then begins the most funniest and romantic part of the movie. Bujji starts flirting with Chitti without revealing himself and the way he irritates her is a must see. And then we reach the climax, where the villains kidnap chitti's sister and demands Shivanna in return for her. As usual, the most idiotic, gravity defying fight arrives with Shivanna surviving a dozen bullets fired into his body and a stab on his back.

Leaving aside the mind boggling stunts, the movie is certainly worth watching once. Three things which would take me to this flick again are the performance of Prabhas, the superb songs and then there is the super cute n hot sister of Trisha, Sanjana.

I was completely unimpressed by the characterization of Mohan Babu (Shivanna). He is a great actor but his skills have been completely misused. He looks completely silly when says the dialogue "Silly fellow".

Sanjana certainly stole the limelight pushing Trisha aside. She is definitely another entry onto my crush list. :) Prabhas has lost loads of weight and looks cool. His body language and the way he delivered his dialogues are simply superb. Sandeep Chowta's knack of scoring cool pub beats is again on display.

And when the lights turned on for a break, I was completely thrown back by surprise. There were two really beautiful girls sitting right in front of us. Were you ever in a situation when you were confused not knowing which girl to look at ? I certainly was that moment and I simply loved it :) ."Thank God for getting us these tickets!".

Next up is "Sex and the City". I've been to it with Tulika and I'll write about it in my next post. And do drop in your comments about this post. :)